Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Oath?  A one word blog prompt?  Well, I don't really know how to go about addressing this one.  How about a real-world example?  This is 100% real guys, and I'm pretty sure it's 100% hilarious.  Don't believe me?  Then consult the official "Santa Claus Oath" website: http://santaclausoath.webs.com/

I will seek knowledge to be well versed in the mysteries of bringing Christmas cheer and good will to all the people that I encounter in my journeys and travels.

I shall be dedicated to hearing the secret dreams of both children and adults.

I understand that the true and only gift I can give, as Santa, is myself.

I acknowledge that some of the requests I will hear will be difficult and sad. I know in these difficulties there lies an opportunity to bring a spirit of warmth, understanding and compassion.

I know the "real reason for the season" and know that I am blessed to be able to be a part of it.

I realize that I belong to a brotherhood and will be supportive, honest and show fellowship to my peers.

I promise to use "my" powers to create happiness, spread love and make fantasies come to life in the true and sincere tradition of the Santa Claus Legend.

I pledge myself to these principles as a descendant of St. Nicholas the gift giver ofMyra.

-Phillip L. Wenz

Yes.  This is real.  But you know what?   As outlandish or certifiable as this might be, it's kind of cool to see a group of people (600 Santas and their respective Mrs. Clauses) be so extremely passionate about something that they make an oath to their "craft" if you will.  An oath that lasts the rest of their lives!  That's an important thing to note: an oath goes beyond a mere obligation, because an oath is lifelong, and relative to a lifelong passion.  That in my mind is first and foremost what Oath is to me.  Yes it's a promise, but it is a promise rooted in passion.  If that passion is building men of intellect and integrity, like Pi Kappa Alpha, then swear to it.  If that passion is serving the general public morally and rightly as, say, a doctor or a police officer, then swear to it.  If that passion is "hearing the secret dreams of both children and adults" and making "fantasies come to life in the true and sincere tradition of the Santa Claus Legend", well damn, just swear to it!

And don't break that oath.  It happens all too often in Greek life.  You don't hear about Santa acting in poor character (Billy Bob Thornton excluded).  Santa made an oath and he's sticking by it; the least we can do is work to stick by the promises we made.  Or else we don't have anything to look forward to except coals in our stockings next month.

P.S.  On the coat of arms above, all of the symbols mean something.  Much like Greek Chapters' crests.  And I think it's particularly hilarious that the two reindeer represent "designer bearded" Santas, and "real bearded" Santas, and how they must work together in unity and harmony hahaha.  Apparently the form of beard is a subject of controversy within the Santa community.  Just a little aside I thought was worth sharing.


  1. funny funny funny.
    but i secretly love it. and i want to meet one of these santas.
    this is a unique wat to display the values of oath.

  2. Hahaha this is probably one of the best analogies i have ever heard! You're right, you never see Santa breaking his oath, and Greeks do it way too much!

  3. I LOVE SANTA. But I never really ever celebrated Christmas. It was a great way of identifying what an oath is. Great job Ben.
